This investigation presents a heuristic method for consumable resource allocation problem in multi-class dynamic\r\nProject Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) networks, where new projects from different classes (types) arrive\r\nto system according to independent Poisson processes with different arrival rates. Each activity of any project is\r\noperated at a devoted service station located in a node of the network with exponential distribution according to\r\nits class. Indeed, each project arrives to the first service station and continues its routing according to precedence\r\nnetwork of its class. Such system can be represented as a queuing network, while the discipline of queues is first\r\ncome, first served. On the basis of presented method, a multi-class system is decomposed into several single-class\r\ndynamic PERT networks, whereas each class is considered separately as a minisystem. In modeling of single-class\r\ndynamic PERT network, we use Markov process and a multi-objective model investigated by Azaron and\r\nTavakkoli-Moghaddam in 2007. Then, after obtaining the resources allocated to service stations in every minisystem,\r\nthe final resources allocated to activities are calculated by the proposed method.